So the morning flew by and, after completing the to do list from the owner, we were on the road by 9 am. We stopped at a local bakery on our way out for some pain du chocolat, or really yummy pastries made out of croissant bread with chocolate in the middle. Need I say more?
Once we had secured chocolate for breakfast, we were on our way. Since we were close to the border we were in Italy fairly fast. Italy has tollbooths (unlike Austria) so we stopped, grabbed a ticket, and sped off along the Italian coast.
The trip went fairly well. We stopped to get gas, changed Marion's diaper, and picked up some snacks and then made our way onto the highway again.
Marion was being entertained by my Ipod and we were playing a movie trivia game (a favorite of ours when traveling in the car).
Then Marion, after eating a Pringle, started complaining about a chip in her throat. We gave her her cup to drink to try to get it but she refused. She continued to cough and complain but there really wasn't much we could so. Assuming it was a scratch in her throat, we continued to try to give her liquids.
After ten minutes or so, I heard the following.
Marion: *cough* *cough* I have a chip in my throat.
Brian: Here, honey, have some water.
Marion: *cough* *cough*
Brian: Ohmygod. She's puking.
Marion: *gagging noises*
Brian: Ohmygod she's projectile puking.
Someone was looking down on us because there was a pull off just ahead and we were able to park the car, get out, and clean everything. Marion was crying, puke was all over everything, and the car stank. Seeing how we were only an hour into our 4 hour trip, there wasn't much we could do. We wiped everything down as best we could, changed Marion, put a towel over her (now covered in vomit) carseat, and took off.
We later stopped for lunch, all tired and a little green from being in a stinky car. Marion didn't eat anything but seemed great, looking at the toys at the rest stop and running all over the place. No one would have guessed she had puked everywhere just that morning.
After lunch we got back on the road and prayed that Marion would nap. We should have known better. She wasn't in the mood and played for the rest of the ride to Lugano.
Finally we arrived in Lugano and located our hotel.
We quickly checked in, parked our car in the garage, and started exploring the town. Walking along the lake is absolutely gorgeous and the view is fabulous. Within seconds, however, we found something better.
Another carousel.
Marion started out with the princess carriage.
Next was the Roger Rabbit car.
And then after that was a firetruck and a horse I believe.
After 5 or so rides we tore her away, kicking and screaming, to wander into town. There were some tables set out for merchants, lots of restaurants with outside dining, and several places to get ice cream. We stopped to get a scoop. Ice cream helps keep overtired toddlers happy.
While wandering around, we found a playground. If every town in Europe has a carousel and playground we will be set for all of our travels.
The next street over was steep, but ramped. We (including Marion, who refused to get into her stroller) walked up it to get to the Cathderal.
Another gorgeous church. I think I'm going to take a checklist with me when we travel. Carousel? Check! Playground? Check! Gorgeous old church? Check check!
After the church we got some dinner at a restaurant on Lugano's square and walked around the lake some more.
Marion liked looking at the ducks with Daddy.
Until she saw the ice cream.
Yes, we got another ice cream. Did I mention the overtired toddler? Girl needs her naps. And that ice cream is so, so good.
After yummy ice cream, we headed back to the hotel to put Marion to bed. Then the adults drank some wine and played some cutthroat Gin Rummy.
Sunday was pretty much a wrap up day. We woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, and then left Lugano for home.
The drive wasn't too bad, only stopping a handful of times to change diapers.
Once home, we unpacked a little bit. Then we realized that there wasn't any food in the house and that it was a no laundry day. So McDonalds and the gas station next door with some food for sale came to the rescue. And we washed Marion's carseat cover anyway. Frankly, I think a soaked-in-puke carseat cover is OK as far as the no laundry on Sunday rule goes. But just to be safe, let's keep that our little secret, ok?
Great post!
and a great trip :)
minus the whole puking thing.
Sounds like a great trip home... even with the carsickness!! By the way, who won the Gin Rummy game?
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