We got there later than we expected due to traffic, torrential downpours, and just a longer drive than we expected. For some reason the Garmin map program on my computer predicted a much shorter drive.
Regardless, we made it to the town safely. Then we had to find the hotel. Difficult, it was kind of hidden by scaffolding and trees.
We checked in, hauled our bags up to the room, and went out searching for dinner.
Before we left the hotel we asked for restaurant recommendations. With map in hand, we set out.
Acqui Terme is a pretty small, spa town known for its hot sulphur springs. It is very quaint and we enjoyed walking through the town.
Until we got to the restaurant recommended by our hotel. Closed. It didn't open until 7 pm. We had another hour to go. We went to another restaurant. Also closed and didn't open until 7:30 pm.
Obviously not very kid friendly. At least not my kid, who was screaming for food at 6 pm. So we walked around a bit and found a little cafe to go type place where we could get some pizza and milk. We took our food and sat on a bench near the center of town for dinner.
It was actually relaxing. We could pace ourselves, Marion was eating, and we could people watch at the same time. While sitting there we admired the buildings around us. It reminded me of the Desert Passage shops (now the Miracle Mile) in Vegas. Completely different style but similar height. Weird, right?
Anyway, after dinner we walked to the pavilion, which I now know is called La Bollente, to see the water fountains.
Marion loves to touch the water so I took her down some stairs to see two water streams coming out of a wall.
We took a step down and I immediately smelled the sulphur. I also felt heat. As soon as I touched the water I realized why. That stuff was hot! Very hot. According to wikipedia, 75 degrees Celsius/167 degrees Fahrenheit hot!
I took some pictures the next morning of the fountain and you can see the steam coming off of it. See? Very, very hot!!!
Without much else to do, we went back to the hotel and went to bed. The next morning, we woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, and wandered around a bit to take some pictures.
At one point Marion decided to dance for Colleen and I. The cuteness starts at this picture. If anyone knows how to make a video out of photographs, I'd love to know!
We noticed that there wasn't much to do that we hadn't done the night before. So we checked out of our hotel and headed towards the French coast.
We have friends and family that use One True Media (www.onetruemedia.com) to make video montages out of pictures. I've not tried it yet, but since you asked I figured I might toss it out there. Give it a whirl and maybe it'll inspire me to do it too!
Good Luck!
thanks kristen!
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