The party was wonderful, as are all get togethers at J and Ch's. Jo happens to be the person most like Martha Stewart that I know. You should try her cupcakes, fantastic! That is, if you can beat this pregnant lady to them.
Marion had had some trouble making it to the potty all day long so we had to keep an eye out for her at the party. I think it was a mixture of her tights and all the excitement that was throwing her off. When we got to Jo and Christian's keeping an eye on her got a little bit harder. They had a gorgeous tree up with presents underneath of it. Marion's eyes just lit up. Amazingly enough, all of the kids were able to wait patiently until after dinner to open presents. However, Marion did pee on the floor twice before dinner. Hey, you win some and lose some, right?
Balloons were a great distraction from the gifts under the tree. See? Jo is brilliant. The kids and dads had fun trying to keep the balloons in the air.
But that didn't last long so Hoppy gave some horsie rides. This is the same Hoppy who had back surgery last year. Good thing!
I think Marion was trying to get the horsie to go faster in this picture.
Then Marion found a Santa hat. She spent a good bit of time walking around with that on her head saying "Ho, ho, ho!" Yea, this year was fun. She was at the perfect age for the holiday.
And then what seemed like the impossible that day happened. Marion was upstairs with her friend JP when she went to the potty and peed and pooped by herself. After cleaning up four pee accidents throughout the day we were ecstatic! Poop accidents are kind of messy to deal with.
Anyway, Marion was excited about this turn of events too. So happy that she took off her undies and threw them over the second floor loft into the crowd of people eating and relaxing below.
Yes, my daughter took off her underwear and threw them into a crowd of people.
Everyone thought it was hysterical and started to laugh. I laughed too, then wished I had gotten it on video tape, and finally hoped that this wasn't a sign of things to come in her future.
After we tracked down our little stripper, we forced the kids to sit in front of the tree and presents for a picture. Looking back, this was probably torture for them. They had already made it this far in the night. But hey, we wanted a picture of all of the kids together and nothing works quite as well as bribery.
And finally, we got the required family pictures.
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas Eve as much as we did. While we weren't at home for Christmas with our family, it felt like we were with family. We are truly blessed to have found such great friends here.
Wow, it looks like fun was had by all. Especially the "little stripper"!
It was a lot of fun! Thankfully we haven't had any recent stripping incidents, but maybe that is because it is so cold out!
It was a wonderful evening!!! Many thanks to Jo and Christian for great hospitality!!!
Love to all.
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