Thursday morning, Brian got up to meet the movers at the house. I stayed home with Marion to take her to the doctors. She had/has an ear infection. So we met up with Brian at the house after Marion's doctor appointment and after Brian and the movers got started. On the way to the house, Marion started saying (or maybe it was singing?) "Go see home!" over and over again. My stress level quadrupled in anticipation of the separation anxiety to come.
When we arrived, the movers had already rolled our their red carpet (nice touch!) and packed up most of the house,
in a big truck blocking most of our street.
Marion really could not have cared less. We did the bye-bye thing, or at least tried. Mostly she just swatted in the direction of the house, muttering bye-bye as she ran around and played. So, it appears, I was stressed over nothing. Go figure.
Since most of our things had been packed up in the truck already, we left to run errands and pick up Marion's medicine.
(mover guy pondering if our stuff will fit in this truck. it did.)
The movers were done packing up our house by noon. They left for lunch and met us at my parent's house a little after one.
Everything went smoothly from there. Nothing broken, nothing missing, and everything fit in my parent's basement.
Can't take credit for everything in those pictures, some items to the right in both pictures are not ours. But we did take up a fairly large portion of the basement.
Also, they were done by 4, earlier than expected. And the movers couldn't have been nicer- they did a great job. Brian and I are spoiled now. I can't imagine moving ourselves ever again!
After the move was completed, Brian and I were able to relax (a smidge) before running some errands and heading over to our house (at that time) to do a last run through. The house looked fantastic. Kind of like how I bought it 5 years ago, but a nicer looking sister.
After some quiet walking and reflecting through the house, I locked it up and went with Brian to neighbor's house a couple of doors down, talking to other neighbors along the way. A great way to end the day, having fun with our neighbors. We had great neighbors, they definitely made the block. And we will certainly miss all of them!
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