Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The Sunday before we left for Heidelberg, Brian and Marion caught our town's Fasnacht parade. It is nothing like the big parades you would see in Basel or the bigger cities, but it was fun.

Marion came home covered in confetti.

Popeye's backside.

I don't have an explanation for these guys (girls?).

You go little town!


ToadMama said...

Did they have doughnuts? The reason I ask is that "Fasnacht Day" is celebrated every year in Lancaster, PA. I don't think they have parades, though. I think they just eat lots of doughnuts. http://articles.lancasteronline.com/local/4/248755

mrschlosser said...

Think you can get doughnuts at the stands. However, I was surprised at how many drinks they pass out -- buttered rum, mulled wine, alcopops and some strong-smelling, unidentifiable stuff. (I got lucky and got the mulled wine a couple of times.)

Lemon Gloria said...

Creepy creepy masks in the last photos!

mrsmac said...

Toadmama- I have never seen the donuts but they sound delicious!

Mrsschlosser- Thanks for the info! Brian did mention there were two girls handing out gin and tonics at the parade!

Lisa- Very, very creepy!