Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Marion's world

Last night I bought some socks, brought them home, and asked Marion to put the pile on my bed.

She said she was counting them out.

Right now Marion's enjoying her lounge chair in the nice weather while Betti naps.

Strawberries and bubbles add that special touch. Unfortunately she has a special habit of shaking the bubbles bottle and spilling it everywhere.

That doesn't stop her from making it work.

Such a cutie, I wish she would look at me when she smiled once in awhile.

What is that about?

Gotta run, she's created a 'beach' outside and wants me to join her on the lounge chairs. She'll be the perfect spa partner one day!


Hoppy said...

There's three great things happening here... One, you haven't lost any socks; two, Marion has them paired properly; and three, she didn't spill any bubble water into her strawberries! What a great day for her! And she looks so much bigger stretched out on her lounger. Love to all.

grammie said...

Love your sunny patio. Has Marion started weeding yet ?
Good point Hoppy...no bubble water
in the berries.

Enjoy the sunshine

Love & Hugs

Lemon Gloria said...

Look how TALL Marion has gotten! I can't believe it!

Mike said...

So you weren't really expecting us to be surprised that the daughter of an engineer and an accountant likes things neat and orderly, were you?

