Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chomp Chomp

Just when I said Betti didn't have any teeth yet, WHAM!!!

Two teeth showed up this morning. One on top, one on bottom.

What a difference a tooth breaking through the gum makes. She's a much happier baby!

And she now no longer has teeth in common with Marion. Marion got her first tooth, the bottom one, around 8.5 months. It didn't bother her at all; we didn't even know it was there until she chomped on Brian's finger one day. The second one, a top one, took awhile and was ugly. She was a royal pain when that was coming in.

Betti... she's our little over-acheiver. Two at once! Stinker.

1 comment:

grammie said...

awesome...and brian's finger
was spared this time :)
