We had to take the train as our car had some problems and needed an immediate trip to the garage. More on that later...
Train ride wasn't so bad, only an hour and a half. I'm getting better at dodging the mass amounts of people in Zurich's Hauptbahnhof. And yesterday there were a ton of people. Everyone was taking advantage of the holiday.
Once we arrived, we walked down to the waters edge to see the falls.
They are pretty impressive. Not because they huge but because the massive quantity of water flowing down them. Brian immediately started debating the probability of surviving a trip down the falls in a kayak. I think he determined they would be survivable, given the right path and equipment. Based on what you ask? Who knows. You'll have to ask him.
We were meeting some friends so, while we waited, we enjoyed the playground in the park next to the water.
Then Marion had to ride the mechanical horse.
Who, oddly enough, was carrying a barrel full of tequila with him. Naturally.
We also watched some kids fish nearby; they ended up catching one but threw it back.
Our friends arrived and the guys, plus one blonde toddler, took a trip on the boat that takes you to the center of the falls.
I managed to snap a picture of them at the top of the rock in the middle of the falls. Can you find Brian and Marion? Hint: Marion is on Brian's shoulders.
They enjoyed the boat ride. Marion came back talking about how the waterfall had gotten her wet with a huge smile on her face.
For lunch we went to this fantastic restaurant right near where the boat access was, Schössi Wörth. It was awesome and kid friendly! If you want to go, make a reservation ahead of time. They get fully booked fairly quickly!
After lunch we fought the crowds and posed for family pictures.
My cousin joined us for one (we were helping him with a school project).
Sadly, after pictures, it was time for goodbyes. Some of our friends that joined us are moving back to the States on Monday. We realized when we moved here that goodbyes are a natural part of the expat experience, but they are sad nonetheless.
Rhine Falls, while touristy, was a good time. I suggest going on a day when there aren't as many people- think an overcast weekday in the low travel season. Or brave the crowds! Just carving out some space on a bench in front of the falls is enjoyable and doable with the many tourists around you. Plus, this way you can get some high quality people watching in. :-)
Awesome anon! Thanks for the link!
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