So, off to the park we went. Lucky us, it was bounce day at the park so it was complete and utter madness.
We got there early enough (9:50 am) to grab a picnic table and get on the grill first. Do not, I repeat, do not go to the park late on a Saturday or Sunday. Especially on bounce day. Spots will be few and far between.
But we got there early and had a wonderful time.
Marion on one of the bounce houses.
Marion and her friend Starla with happy faces (Park Im Gruene has these chairs for use for free. I told you this place rocked!)
Digging in to the spread.
Betti and Jet in their swim gear.
Marion, ready to spray anyone in her path.
Betti, not as thrilled as Marion to be in the water.
Betti hightailed it out of there.
My girls.
Ahhhh, it makes me sad to see that the weather forecast is for rain for the next week. No more rain, please!!!!!!!
Looks like a good time. Enjoy the sunshine.
How wonderful. And, Brian's ribs
look so yummy !!!
Very nice time! Betti is getting big! Love to all.
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